The Greater New York Region Overseas Taiwanese Pen Club

The Great New York Area Taiwanese Overseas Pen Club (abbreviated as Pen Club) was established on November 29, 2003, with the founding meeting held at the Jiatan Taiwanese Church (佳壇台語教會). The main founders include 林興隆牧師、楊慶安、蔡榮聰、王淑芬、林淑麗、廖登豐 along with other friends who are passionate about writing.

Over the past twenty years, the Pen Club has held an annual meeting each year, offering speeches, publishing articles, and social dinners. The published works are generally included in the Pen Club Yearbook (筆會年刊), the Taiwanese-American Literary Collection (台美文集), and the Taiwan Overseas Network ( (台灣海外網). In addition to the annual meeting, the Pen Club also hosts online lectures and other social activities.

The Pen Club advocates for Taiwanese-Americans to adopt a proactive attitude, promoting Taiwanese identity through writings and various forms of creativity, caring for social justice, and the well-being of all Taiwanese people, and strengthening the spirit of a community with a shared future.

Starting in 2024, the Pen Club has adopted the slogan, “Sharing the Taiwanese-American Experience through Literature and Art, and Advocating for Taiwan’s Well-being through Conferences and Speeches” clearly conveying the spirit and focus of the Pen Club’s works and activities. In the same year, the Pen Club established a website ( as a platform for publishing works, creativity, and communication, sharing members’ positive, open, and constructive writings and creativity.

The articles on the Pen Club website represent the personal views and positions of the authors and do not reflect the views or positions of the Pen Club or all its members.