Section 1. To promote networking among members of the organization, and to foster the advancement in literary artistry and cultural values through writing and translation.
Section 2. To promote active participation in shaping public opinions on Taiwanese affairs and to raise the conscience of overseas Taiwanese.
Section 3. To promote engagement in American society and to assist people from Taiwan in cultural exchange.
Section 4. To encourage the publication of works by members and endorse the attachment of organization affiliation in writing. The organization is not responsible for the views of its members.
Section 5. To publish a collection of essays by members periodically.
The organization is registered under the name of “The Greater New York Region Overseas Taiwanese Pen Club” Hereafter refer as “Pen Club.”
Official Address: The address of the current president or designated by the Board.
Section 1. Eligibility for membership shall include interests and appreciation of literature and culture, and a sense of Taiwanese identity.
Section 2. (1) All members shall conform to the purpose and by-laws of the club.
(2) Membership shall be classified as follows:
(a) Regular Members: Pay yearly membership due as recommended by the Board.
(b) Permanent Members: Pay one-time membership due as recommended by the Board for life time membership
(3) All members in good standing will be expected to pay up-to-dated membership dues.
(4) Any regular member who fails to pay his/her dues for more than 2 years shall automatically forfeit the rights and privileges of the membership.
Section 1. Board of Directors
(1) The affairs of the organization shall be governed by the Board of Directors and managed by the President with the assistance of officers listed in Art. V, Section 2.
(2) The Board of Directors shall consist of no less than seven (7) and no more than thirteen (13) members.
(3) Eligibility of directorship shall be permanent member with no less than one (1) year of membership or regular member with no less than two (2) years of membership, or on the board director of Taiwanese Community Associations.
(4) Election of the Board Directors:
(a) Candidates of Directors will be nominated by the Board of Directors and affirmed by the general membership meeting.
(b) Candidates of Directors also can be petitioned by at least three members in good standing and must be submitted to the Nomination Committee for review one month prior to the general meeting.
(5) President will be elected by the Board. The term of the Presidency is two years and may be re-elected only once. The Vice President is appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.
(6) One third of Board members will be elected each year, each class of member will serve for one three-year term. The board member can be re-elected with unlimited number of times.
(7) The Board of Directors shall meet at least twice a year for regular meetings, in May and November.
The President shall call for the regular Board meetings. Additional meetings may be called by the President to deal with the urgent matters related to Pen Club affairs.
(8) Any vacancy of the Director shall be temporarily appointed by the President and approved by the Board.
(9) The President presides over the Board meeting shall only cast the vote to break the tie.
Section 2. Officers
(1) Officers of Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. All of them will be served by Board members.
(2) Other officers may consist of Executive Director, Publication Director, Public Relation Director, and Outreach Program Director.
(3) Each officer shall serve for a two-year term. Officers are appointed by the President and subject to the approval of the Board.
Section 3. Advisory Council
The president may appoint advisors for such matters as nominations, by-laws amendment and other matters as deemed necessary.
Section 4. Past Presidents
Immediate past Presidents shall serve as Board of Director for a three-year terms.
Other than the Annual meeting, there shall be at least three regular meetings per year.
By-laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of majority of the regular and permanent members present at either a regular or annual meeting.